About Us

More about the who, what & why

What We Do

To prevent the complete collapse of the coconut industry worldwide, there is an urgent need to provide a substantial quantity of new plantlets for global replanting efforts.

The Somatic Embryogenesis (SE) technique has undergone ground breaking research at the University of Queensland (UQ) over the last 25 years and now successfully produces coconut varieties on a moderate scale. KokoNiu in collaboration with UQ aims to improve the capacity of this protocol to multiply material from resistant or tolerant plants, to provide a means to achieve this outcome.

The future of global coconut production and livelihoods of millions of farmers critically depends on the availability of genetic diversity and the sustainable use of this broad genetic base to breed improved varieties on a scale required to provide an average of twelve Million plantlets per country per year for the next twenty years.

KokoNiu aims to dominate this space by establishing a CTC Laboratory to enable rapid multiplication of commercially valuable varieties. This transformational technological advancement will enable mass production of quality planting material that would accelerate planting programs desired by many countries.

The Company plans to set up its own CTC Laboratory to produce elite ‘true to type’ coconut plantlets for the domestic and international markets. Further KokoNiu intends to license the technology to industry partners worldwide.

In the future KokoNiu plans to establish Australia’s first coconut gene-bank in Northern Australia along with an attached nursery and demonstration plantation to further develop elite varieties for micro propagation.

Overview of the Vertical Integrated Businesses

CTC Laboratory

Produced ‘elite’ coconut plantlets (12 months) are then moved to the Nursery.

Future Nursery

Acclimatised coconut plants (6 months) are then ready for field planting​

Future Plantations

Coconut plants begin to produce coconuts (24+ months).

Future Processing Plant

Locally grown raw coconuts are processed into premium coconut products.

Coconut palms in nursery

The Why

With diligent management over the next five years the Company will be in a position to:

  • Be the world’s first to successfully commercialise the somatic embryogenesis technology to mass propagate ‘true to type’ coconut plantlets through a proven tissue culture protocol
  • Own Australia’s largest CTC Laboratory specialising in producing ‘elite’ coconut varieties
  • Oversee a large-scale Nursery to service the requirements for the supply of ‘elite’ coconut plantlets domestically
  • Supply elite ‘true to type’ coconut plantlets to international coconut communities negotiated through overseas government bodies, local businesses and coconut communities
  • Provide up to 5% of the Company’s produced plantlets for aid through Government programs to distribute to the regions poorest coconut farmers to assist in managing and maximising their coconut production. Even more importantly, assist in educating them to develop a sustainable, long-term coconut agribusiness project that can yield both a more efficient market and a better quality of living for them

Who We Are

In addition to the experience and knowledge of its Board Members, KokoNiu also benefits from a group of business and academic leaders who form part of an Advisory Board to mentor and give considered advice, recommendations or counsel in connection with the businesses and organisational purposes.

hands from top holding coconuts and husk
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Community Involvement

World demand for most coconut products is increasing due to the clean and green image of coconut. It has been demonstrated that virgin coconut oil (VCO) contains potent antioxidants, antimicrobial characteristics, and potential anti-cancer actions. Therapeutic benefits, from either fresh or processed coconut products, have been demonstrated in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, HIV, hormonal imbalance in postmenopausal women, ulcers and other gut illnesses.

The Australian market for imported coconut products has generally increased over the last ten years. Australian imports of coconut oil have doubled in the last three years. All coconut products that you would purchase at a normal Australian supermarket are imported and this domestic market is worth over forty million dollars. Qualitative research indicates that Australian importers are currently finding it difficult to consistently source quality coconut to meet demand. They are becoming concerned about security of supply and they believe provenance is an important factor in consumer purchase decisions.

Research into the production of large volumes of elite planting material for the development of an Australian coconut plantation industry would likely increase investment in Northern Australia and provide new business and employment opportunities. Indigenous communities of Northern Australia are also likely to be provided with new business and employment opportunities. Crop diversity is the key to global food security and a sustainable future for agriculture.